Kazumiart 作品展 in Paris 2014





時間:火曜日~土曜日 10時半~20時

   日・月曜日   14時~20時



場所:Manga cafe V2

   9rue Primo Levi 75013 PARIS


J’ai pris les photos de 60 personnes à Paris l’été dernier. Je leur ai demandé quel est leur moment de détente préféré pour prendre leur photo. Mon but était de prendre des photos à propos du bonheur parce que c’est quelque chose qui n’a pas de forme. Mais j’ai pensé qu’on pourrait montrer le bonheur sur le visage des gens qui se sentent heureux.

Alors j’ai voulu prendre des photos des gens qui font ce qu’ils aiment, pour « capturer » le bonheur. J’espère que vous serez heureux en voyant mes photos !

J’ai fait des photos similaires au Japon, vous pouvez voir la version française au premier étage du manga café et la version japonaise au rez-de-chaussée du manga café dans le 13ème.

I hold an exhibition in Paris from July 17th to July 31th , 2014.

This is the one that held in Japan in June,2014.

The theme is fome de bonheur(subtitle is 60 form of happiness)


I took a picture of 60 people in Paris last summer.

I asked them about their favarate time and relax time,

then took their pictures.Because i wanted to express happiness with taking a picture.


We can not see happiness.


I think i take pictures when they are doing what they like, i may see happiness.


I hope you will be happy when you see my works.




★Thank you for coming to Expo in Paris★

The Exhibition in Paris ended in a big success.
Many people looked over my works.
More than 200 people leave comments and a messages to me.
Many people said that Concept of my works is really wonderful and they felt happy from my works.
I'm so happy to had Expo in Paris♡
I really appreciate it.
Thanks to Manga cafe and all my friend and people stoped by see my works!
Love you and big kiss♡


フランス、パリでの個展は無事に終わりました♪( ´▽`)



★Photo gallery in paris★